Laudine Dubeaux was born in Paris in 1982. She graduates from the ESAD of Reims in 2007. During her studies, she won the First price and the special prize of the “french lace and embroidery federation“ contest, (Idesign & Equal). She was also invited to design several projects for famous brands such as De Dietricht, Plaza Athenée, La Grande Epicerie de Paris (Le Bon Marché). Student of Marc Bretillot, she was involved in the beginning of the now renowned movement of Culinary Design. Full of curiosity and well advised by talented designers like Pierre Charpin, Fabien Cagani or Mathilde Bretillot, Laudine formed her personality as a creative around the Material and its transformation. In 2008, as one of her project designed with her partner Camille Cauquil was exposed at the Jim Thompson Gallery in Bangkok, she had the opportunity to travel in Asia and more particularly in Thailand. It was love at first sight, and Laudine rapidly decided to take an internship in the Ajarn Sulak Sivaraksa Thai organization “Sathirakoses-Nagapradeepa Foundation” promoting social development. She worked a year, on her own project of fair trade design by creating a series of hand screen-printed T-shirts embroidered by local ethnics. It is also at this period that she met her partner Arnut Saento also working for the foundation. Together, they first opened a bookshop/bar/Art gallery in Bangkok meeting there most of their future collaborators. Few years later, they move to Chiang mai and establish NAAdesign Company.

Arnut Saento was born in Ubon Ratchathani. Around the age of 15, he became a novice in a buddhist temple for 5 years. During this period, he met important figures of the engaged buddhist movement such as Ajarn Sulak Sivaraksa. He then grew up from the social networking. As a teenager he studied at the Semsikka Rai liberal university and started working at the Saaeng Aroon Library. Later, he got involved in the “Sathirakoses-Nagapradeepa Foundation” and became the editor in chief of the political and social magazine, Pajayassan. At this time, he also founded with a group of friend the CMYK Magazine. Later on, he started Puey Magazine, monthly publication aiming to recall the life and achievements of Ajarn Puey Ungpakorn. He then opened with Laudine dubeaux a bookshop/bar/Art gallery where they organized various lectures and events about literature and politics. After few years of eventful life, he decided with his partner, to close the place and move in Chiang mai in order to dedicate their lives to their creativities, Arnut as a poetry writer and Laudine as a designer.